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Customer Testimonials

I recently hired Adam to design and build my backyard. After a lengthy process of interviewing many other contractors, Adam stood apart from the others by providing a professional, personalized and collaborative approach to the project. My property had many issues, including re-grading, excess underground moisture and tree root placement. Adam approached each issue as a challenge. He accepted and welcomed input. He respected and worked within my budget. He provided a professional, highly skilled team for all the varying parts of the project He informed me of his progress throughout. He and his crew were meticulous about cleaning up the site as he worked. Adam has a strong sense of integrity and respect and clearly takes great pride in his work. He is a passionate master of his craft. I am delighted with the result and would not hesitate in recommending Adam for any project you have in mind. It was a pleasure working with he and his team from start to finish! Jordana Glassman, Msw, Rsw

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